Effective website structure is necessary if you wish to have higher ranking in search engines. It is rightly said, ‘The better the site structure, the better the possibility of ranking’. It may be a thorough and rationalized structure, or else it may be an unsystematic clutter of pages. Careful vigilance at the time of your site structure generates a site that acquires search excellence.
Here I will share the excellent advices on generating an influential website structure. The tricks and tips mentioned-below will assist you to create a website that attracts the users and renders the best rankings possible.
Website Structure really Matters
Structure is the most important feature of a website’s SEO performance. However, some web owners know what it actually means to have a good site structure to enhance SEO. Complicated and incompatible structure can divert the customer’s attention to a different site. If you overlook your site structure, then it might cost you exceedingly.
Now, let me share with you some points as how to develop your SEO friendly website structure.
Brainstorm the hierarchy
To start generating a website from the scratch, hierarchy is a significant principal to use. This is the common way to systemize the information on website. In order to enhance SEO, you need to keep the structure simple and user-friendly.
Generate SEO friendly URL’s
This is also an important element in developing a powerful website structure. If you have sensibly thought during your hierarchy, then this is not that difficult task. URL structure follows the hierarchy. It needs to be short and precise to stumble on the page.
Use of Sitelinks
Sitelinks, listing format in SERPs displays your website’s main page together with numerous internal links. These links are vital and provides immense benefit to navigate the site. It enables the users to read the relevant information, enhance brand’s recognition, and develop user’s trust, thereby enhancing the clickthrough rate.
Work properly on the header and Subcategories
Be extra cautious while working on the header as it must be understandable with minimum subcategories. Moreover, try to keep the subcategories approximately even so that the readers are not sidetracked.
Addition of tags
Tags can be really beneficial for your website. Although categories are table of content, tags are classified as index. If tags are properly used, it helps search engines such as Google to comprehend the website structure in a much better way.
Optimize for Crawlers
Precise indexing with appropriate use of keywords helps your website to be discovered by crawlers. HTML and CSS are the safest advancement. Coding in Flash, JavaScript, and Ajax will restrict the crawler’s capability to cover up your website’s carefully planned navigation as well as hierarchy.
Cornerstone Content
The main pages provide the actual information about your goings-on and aims. The web pages must have content focusing on keywords plus the descriptive information must also be high on the website. It must be linked to the ‘Home Page’.
Time-to-time Updates
Dynamic website structure is more helpful. With the change in plans or strategies, you can change your website’s structure. You must keep one word in mind, i.e. ‘Consistency’ because if your product page does not go with the navigation, then the site will lose its reason.
Edit and Delete
It is imperative of you are handling an online shop as the products range keep on changing. The popular products are sold out very fast but its demand remains. The products that are not much in demand or out-of-date ought to be deleted.
A distinct website structure ensures your website to be easily visible and your product endorsed. Keep in mind the above points to optimize your website for search engines. Great SEO is sure to follow with great website structure.